What the Clintons Are Really Afraid Of!!, 3872
Stillreport: Good evening, I’m still reporting on the coup.
The ever-great Dan Bongino – former Secret Service agent and now radio and TV host – appeared on Saturday’s Fox & Friends and was asked about the latest verbal posturing on the part of both Hill and Bill Clinton: [insert] When the Clintons came to Washington, I’d been living in Northern Virginia for nearly 30 years. I’d worked in numerous political campaigns as a Democrat, but as a result of Jimmy Carter’s failed presidency, switched parties and became a Republican supporting Ronald Reagan during the 1980 presidential campaign. I had House and Senate press credentials at that time as I ran my own newspaper. This allowed me to visit the White House on just about any occasion I chose. Here is a photo I took of President Elect Ronald Reagan’s first visit to the White House after his election. Pictured are the Carter’s welcoming the Reagans on a cold day during the Rose Garden welcoming ceremony in late November 1980, or early December. The reason I mention this is that I was very much aware of the tone and tenor of Washington politics when the Clintons first hit D.C. 12 years later. Hillary’s reputation for being involved in a string of mysterious deaths during her time in Arkansas cast an immediate shadow of fear over the D.C. politicos that was never present before – a fear of retribution for being on the opposing side of the President that was just not present before – except for the attempted coup on the part of Richard Nixon during the 1973 Saturday Night massacre. That long dark shadow of the way the Clintons took care of their political business has never left D.C. – even after Bill Clinton left the presidency 21 years ago. It was the Clintons who created the RussiaGate hoax and probably stage managed all the anti-Trump action thereafter, including two impeachments. The model for self-serving corruption on the part of the Biden family was taken straight out of the Clinton Foundation’s money-guzzling pay-for play playbook. I wouldn’t be surprised one little bit if the entire election 2020 fraud also had Clinton money and dark management skills behind it, because it was the Clintons who were the first to be accused of illicitly accepting Chinese money 20 years earlier, during Bill’s presidency. So, the Clintons were possibly the first really big fish to succumb to the Chinese “elite capture” gambit that later apparently snared the Bidens big-time. Now, they have the gall to come on TV and say they fear for the course of American democracy is just embarrassingly over the top. What they are really implying is that they are somehow qualified to sit in the judgment seat and rule on the course of American history. What a joke! They are the least qualified to rule on the truth of these matters! What they are really afraid of is being caught as the managers of the Russiagate affair, and so much more. In other words, democracy will have died if the Clintons – or the Bidens – or Dr. Fauci and big Pharma – or any of the nefarious inhabitants of the FBI’s 7th floor during Obama administration – or any top tier Democrat has to face justice once Republican sweep Congress. And then cometh the return of the real Trumpet of Truth to try to clean it all up. I’m still reporting from just outside the citadel of world freedom. Good day.