How to Conquer Fatigue and Low Energy- Interview with Ari Whitten
In this interview, Ari Whitten, a return guest, discusses his latest book, “Eat for Energy: How to Beat Fatigue, Supercharge Your Mitochondria, and Unlock All-Day Energy.” To address fatigue and low energy, you need to improve your mitochondrial energy production. Mitochondria have a mutually exclusive dual function. They produce energy, but they’re also environmental sensors that detect threats inside the body. When a threat is detected, the mitochondria downshift energy production to focus on self-defense. Common threats that can result in reduced mitochondrial energy production include oxidative stress, poor nutrition, environmental toxins, psychological stress and sleep deprivation. Mitochondrial capacity declines by about 10% with each decade of life, but it’s not a natural function of aging. Rather, the loss of mitochondria is due to a lack of hormetic stress. Mitochondria have to be challenged and stimulated in order to stay big and strong. Light deficiency is an extremely common cause for fatigue. Sun exposure is required for melatonin production in your mitochondria, which protects them from damage. Red and infrared light also stimulate tissue-specific growth factors, directly stimulate ATP production at the mitochondria level, and act as signals to encourage mitochondria to grow bigger and stronger. Subscribe for the latest health news: Visit our website: Listen to our podcasts: Find us on Social Media
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