Top Docs – The Vaxxes Didn’t Work!!!, 3909 August 21, 2022 By Bill Still

Stillreport: Good morning, I’m still reporting on the coup. Laura Ingraham has – without question – led the way on the COVID story across all of network television. She and two of her frequent guest medical professors were saddled up and ready to ride within hours after plastic fantastic CDC Director Rochelle Walensky finally confessed to lying to the American public about all things COVID for the last two-and-a-half years at the cost of God-only-knows how many American lives. So here is Walinsky’s verson of admission of guilt: [insert] “We made some pretty public mistakes, and we need to own them.”
Good Lord, this is the understatement of the year! But at least, it’s not the usual wall of lies covering for the Biden Administration doing the public policy bidding of the Chinese Communists. If she was really repentant and wanting to own these so-called “mistakes”, she would immediately fire the top 10% of CDC’s experts – or at least every single one that did not heartily protest the CDC lie-fest, and then fire herself and turn over every single share of big pharma stock that she might, maybe, possibly, have in her portfolio. Because once the American public en masse realizes what she has done, much more severe forms of punishment will be on their minds. No, Ms. Walinsky was an active participant in the greatest depopulation of the United States in American history, and now, she’s running for cover – but still has the audacity to try to keep her job! Has she fired anyone? No! In fact, she says she’s bringing in someone to clean up her and Dr. Grouchy’s mess from where? A longtime health bureaucrat from the Bill Clinton era! Take it, Laura! [insert to “…the American people.”] When this is all out in the open, we should push for a new monument to be placed between the Washington Monument and the U.S. Capitol, smack in the middle of the Mall, concerning the COVID pandemic fraud that killed one million Americans – that’s 30 times more than the 911 tragedy – so yeah something to remind us of the censorship of the truth, which was replaced with nothing but Chicom propaganda via the Biden Administration at huge costs across America. [insert to “… penalized for being right.”] Laura, us little guys in the news business were the ones who were equally penalized for being right. You big guys didn’t depend on YouTube for your existence. They couldn’t hurt you. We had our income hit time and time again, and then a year ago we were completely banished from YouTube after working in it every day for more than 17 years! We fought this battle down in the trenches where the result of losing wasn’t just hurt feelings, but real flesh and blood. insert I’m still reporting from just outside the citadel of world freedom. Good day.

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