Pence + Christie Ticket – What a Joke!!!, 4182
Stillreport: Good evening, I’m still reporting on the lying, cheating, and stealing wing of the Republican Party. In the last two days rumors have begun to circulate that Mike the Traitor Pence is considering announcing that if elected as the Republican nominee, he would choose Chris Christie as his running mate. Well, if true, that makes perfect sense because no one else would run with Mike the Traitor, and both may possibly be the beneficiaries of Soros money, staying in the race merely to do as much damage as possible to Trump before their collective failures come to light under the intense glare of a full-blown presidential primary race. [insert Gretta] Well, Mister Christie, Trump sat in that Oval Office day after day – unlike you – taking the constant, withering fire from the left for us – and – unbelievably – came out not only alive, but thriving. Even now, 971 days after he was illegitimately forced from office by nothing less than a Marxist/Rhino conspiracy of election cheaters, Trump continues to voluntarily put himself back out into this withering fire, which now includes bogus indictments from junior achievers of lawfare abuse, now that they have been assured that anyone can charge the former President with anything they want – you know – it’s the indict-a-ham sandwich theory of grand jury activities.