Mercola: The Rise of the New Normal Reich- Interview with C.J. Hopkins and Dr. Mercola
Mercola video: While the initial hysteria over COVID-19, what C.J. Hopkins refers to as the Covidian cult — or the magic spell that fell over the majority of populations throughout the world during the initial phases of the pandemic — is largely over, the next phase — the new normal project — is ramping up. I recently interviewed C.J. Hopkins, an award-winning American playwright, novelist and political satirist based in Berlin, about his new book, “The Rise of the New Normal Reich”. While the initial hysteria over COVID-19, what Hopkins refers to as the Covidian cult, is largely over, the next phase — the new normal project — is ramping up. Measures of totalitarian control and the normalization of the pathologization of society, including wearing masks and segregating people based on injection status, are being normalized around the world. When the Soviet Union collapsed in the early 1990s, it gave rise to global capitalism; since this time, GloboCap has been engaging in “clear and hold,” a military term that refers to surveying a territory and wiping out any remaining pockets of resistance so you can maintain control. In the past, totalitarian regimes used drastic and obvious shows of control, putting people into concentration camps; today’s ruling establishment is far more subtle in its tactics, but possibly even more dangerous, using tools like censorship and attacks on credibility to wipe out dissent. Article Link: Subscribe for the latest health news: Visit our website: Listen to our podcasts: Find us on Social Media