Future Vaxxs May Skip Human Safety Testing!!, 3873
Stillreport: Good evening, I’m still reporting on the coup. With each passing day, not only the depth of the coup, but it’s astonishing breath continues to expand at a rate that threatens to enslave the world’s population in dozens of ways. The latest outrageous expansion of this anti-human enslavement are proposals which will be voted upon tomorrow it a meeting at the U.S. Food and Drug Administration – the FDA – that would allow the big vaxx makers to skip future human safety and efficacy clinical trials before forcing them down the throats of the mostly unknowing, but even into the arms of the unwilling. I know this sounds like total fiction, but it is not. This is happening at lightning speed, driven by big Pharma money and Bill Gates depopulation money. So tomorrow, something called the “Future Framework” will be voted upon by the Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee that will likely end dependence of vaccination medicine upon the search for truth – better known as the scientific method pioneered by Aristotle in ancient Greece nearly 2500 years ago. That’s how basic and earthshaking this proposal is. How can this be true? Well, on Saturday, the FDA released an 18-page briefing document upon which the future of COVID vaxxs will be based – not in the furtherance of human health and happiness as the primary outcome sought, but the profitability of the big pharma giants as the primary goal. The Hippocratic Oath of first, doing no harm??? That’s so old school! Humans become no more than disposable lab rats. If a million die here or there in the name of the robust health of the Pharma giants, it’s a reasonable sacrifice that will lower the burgeoning world population anyway. The first example of this evil philosophy has been COVID, but if this Framework passes tomorrow, much more COVID-like events are sure to beset your children, then grandchildren. As Dr. Toby Rogers, Ph.D., wrote today in Robert F. Kennedy’s “The Defender: Children’s Health Defense News & Views”: “The “Future Framework” is a plan to base the entire COVID-19 vaccine program on magical thinking rather than science.” As Dr. Rogers explained:
“Boosters are the market now. By calling them boosters instead of reformulated shots (which is what they actually are), they will not go through new clinical trials. “Over the summer, earlier versions of the shot will quietly be withdrawn from the market and the reformulated shots that skipped clinical trials will become the only option. So this is the FDA’s weasel word way of sliding down the slippery slope into no more clinical trials for COVID-19 shots ever again. “If the FDA stated plainly what they are up to there would be riots.” Because there are so few people who understand what’s really going on here, this is likely to pass tomorrow. We will follow this story, however, and hopefully with a new Congress coming in just 6 months from now, much of the damage can be halted, then reversed after the 2024 election. But even considering divorcing vaxx development from the scientific method is one of the most underreported stories of this evil time, with nothing but enhanced human suffering as the medical outcome. As a charter member of the osteopathic family, I just have to ask the AAO and the AOA – the two biggest osteopathic associations – where in the heck are you? You should be at the forefront of this fight, not cowering in the shadows hoping to get a bigger slice of the financial pie from Uncle Sugar and Big Pharma. I’m still reporting from just outside the citadel of world freedom. Good day.