Escaping the matrix by Wes Penre
“As we discussed in Chapter 11, there is no other way to figure out what is really going on unless we look at our situation from the perspective of living in a simulation—a computer game. Not until we do that the dots truly connect. With this in mind, the following conclusions become natural to me, and perhaps something for the reader to ponder.
If the reader is of the older generation, you may not have played computer games, but you probably have an idea of how they work. If we incorporate a computer game mindset into our own 3-D existence, and for argument’s sake think in terms of computer games when reading through this chapter, it will be easier to comprehend. The inventor, programmer, and technician is of course, the players are us humans (the spirit bodies), and the avatars inside the game are the human bodies with our trapped soul energy and minds inside them.
We often hear, particularly from channeled material, that all time is simultaneous, and linear time is just an illusion. However, this is next to impossible to fully understand, unless we think in terms of simulations and computer games. In a computer game, all time can be simultaneous, and a programmer can create a game just like our matrix, where the player (the Spirit you) has more than one avatar in the game.
One avatar can operate in the twenty-first century, for example, another in the sixteenth century, while a third is in the twenty-fifth century, and so on. These avatars must meet the challenges for their particular wheel of time (the sixteenth century, for instance). You, the player, have different avatars you can interchangeably interact with, but the avatars in the game don’t know that. They think they are the only avatar run by your consciousness.
As we can see now, there is really no linear time, just time loops, or wheels within wheels, where the past, present, and future change all the time because all time is active simultaneously, played out by different avatars, having parts of our consciousness attached. I would even argue (philosophically speaking, of course) that when we sleep, we rest our avatar (physical body) in this time-loop, and navigate another avatar in another loop (let’s say in the sixteenth century).
We might sleep for eight hours, but in the astral, from where this game is most likely run at the next level, time is irrelevant. It might feel as if our dreams might last for an hour, and sometimes for days, or years, when in fact, we are somewhere else in the game while we sleep, playing, and because it’s done from the astral, time is not consequential. In the meanwhile, our sleeping avatar gets recharged, like a battery, getting ready for another day in this particular time loop.
We have discussed already that the soul gets split in the BLA (Between Lives Area) and sent into different pockets in time, and that’s exactly what we are talking about here. It’s part of how this “game” works.
Let’s say that the inventor, programmer, and technician wants to insert something new to the game, or remove something. He can easily to that, and this is where vertical time comes into the picture. From a place outside the Earth Game, he ( removes a civilization and/or creates a new one just by inserting it into a chosen time loop within the game, even though it might not have been there before.
Therefore, there is no real history, only an invented one. We learn that certain things happened in the past, that the past is set in stone, and things happen in a linear fashion. But the past is constantly changing because the game is always active in the “past,” too. We can picture this as a long line with lots of wheels drawn on it, to make it simple.
Each wheel is a time- loop in which avatars live and die and interact with their environment. But there is little to no connection between the “wheels,” except when a person’s lifetime overlaps into the next wheel (loop). Thus, progress can be made “across the lines of time”. We normally also reincarnate within the same bloodline, as we talked about earlier, so the consciousness splinter of a certain avatar progresses through the time wheels (loops), giving an illusion of linear time.
When the inventor of the game programmed it, he put in some basic things to begin with in each loop—challenges for players to meet. Then, let’s say the end goal of the game is the Singularity, which will be a completely new game, so he inserts the Singularity to start in 2045 in the illusionary timeline he is manipulating the players to believe in. Thus, we have our Alpha and Omega. The game started 9,600 years ago and will end in 2045 if everything goes per the plan. Then the new game starts, which is called Metaverse or the Singularity.
Also, let’s pretend that all players start the game from the beginning of time in this Third Construct. The avatars in the game (we humans) have complete amnesia and don’t know who we are. We bring children into the world, and we become generational, we overlap into the next wheel, each wheel being 2,156 years long, based on astrological cycles and equinoxes. Thus, each time loop becomes populated, one after the other, and humankind, as a species, slowly moves toward the Singularity.
When a physical body dies, the consciousness (soul-mind), goes to the BLA, and most of it is then recycled into a new body on Earth, and the consciousness now becomes their own great grandson, for example. Thus, “time” seems to move forward, and the same consciousness moves forward, too, toward the endgame, the Singularity. However, because the soul is also split in the BLA, part of the soul-mind is simultaneously recycled into other loops/wheels to keep the game going and constantly changing in all loops of time. This creates confusion and diversion, which is exactly the purpose. wants to keep us confused.
Healing Across the Lines of Time
So, our soul-mind is split in the BLA, only to incarnate into different pockets of time. Eventually, after we have exited in the shape we will be in after this lifetime, we will reunite with our spirit body, which has been the Player in the “Matrix game.” If you are John Smith in this life, that’s who you will be immediately after you’ve exited, too.
You will also retain the memories from earlier lifetimes, experienced by the same soul-mind that is now John Smith. Also, consequently and over time, you will retrieve the soul-mind splinters from what used to be you but was incarnated in other time periods as separate individual units of consciousness, and you will eventually become “whole.”
The question is, who will you be when you are whole? You are no longer John Smith; instead, you will be everything you have experienced on your own timeline, as well as the timelines of those who became splinters of you. This means you have been a “good person” during certain lifetimes and a “bad person” in others; it’s a huge mix. And you will be all of that when everything is retrieved.
This is another very important reason why we need to work on healing. When you heal your present personality, you also heal across the lines of time; you will heal your past and your future at the same time. If you were a criminal two- hundred years ago and heal your present personality, you also heal the criminal version of yourself—literally so. This criminal version of you will have a change in mindset and repent once you’ve healed enough. As you may remember, time is arbitrary, and nothing is set in stone; time is fluid and events ever-changing.
Can you see how beneficial this is? The more you heal in this lifetime, the better off you will be when you have become your entire self, which will be different but still the same as your current John Smith.
Because this is a simulation considered to exist in the physical realm, Spirit can’t operate successfully here. Therefore, we, as spirit bodies, still operate from the KHAA (The Void), but after we sent our soul-minds down into the Matrix, we forgot who we truly are, and now we’re stuck here. So, when we exit the Matrix, we reconnect with our spirit body in the KHAA. We simply withdraw our soul-mind energy from the Matrix and reunite as a 3-U (soul-mind-spirit body) again; we become whole.
This is exactly what will happen when we exit through the Grid. We can only withdraw our consciousness through physical body death because the soul is attached to the body via the silver cord until the body is truly dead. Therefore, we cannot just retrieve our consciousness in this exact moment. While still alive, we can only mentally and emotionally detach from the Matrix simulation.
Once we have withdrawn our energy, we will wake up completely. My guess is that it’s like waking up from a bad dream, in shock. Some of us might think, “Oh my gosh, that was a bad dream! Or was it a dream?” When we are back in the KHAA, we will perhaps be confused at first because the Matrix era might feel like a horrible nightmare, literally, until we realize we are “whole” again.
This is new information to most of the readers, I believe, but it does not void anything already published regarding exiting the Grid. We still think ourselves out through a hole in the Grid after having spotted them, and off we go! Compare this with being completely engaged in a demanding video game, and there are obstacles everywhere. You are investing all your soul energy in the game to overcome the barriers, and it’s really like if you’re inside the game. Then the game is over, and your invested soul energy returns to you, the player. You don’t need to think, “The game is over. I NEED TO RETAIN MY INVESTED ENERGY—NOW! It happens automatically. The principle is the same when you leave the Matrix.
Once outside the Grid, you’re in the KHAA again.
It’s easy to be disillusioned while living in the Matrix, and the urge to get out of here might be great in many people. When the Grid option is being presented, many people draw a sigh of relief; this is exactly what they had been hoping for, and now they have a soulution. People may also start confronting their own life situation and prepare to detach from anything and everything they possess, including humans and pets they are fond of and love. This often requires a slow adjustment because most humans are attached to some things in life that might be difficult to let go from. Let’s say this is being successfully done, can these people then safely exit the Matrix?
Some probably can, but I have a point to make, and I touched on this earlier: we also need to detach from the Overlords and the shared fantasy and the trauma bond we have with them. In other words, we must stop acting like them! That’s the biggest attachment we need to work on. We might be able to exit without working on that, but then we will enter the KHAA, living in a shared fantasy with our oppressors, and thus continuing to act like them in more ways than not.
Another barrier we need to face and overcome when we’re talking about exiting the Matrix is fear. We all sit in front of our computers or phones, feeling completely confident that when our time comes, we will certainly be able to exit. However, once out in the astral, are we still as confident and brave? Some of us might be, but let’s make a guesstimate. Let’s say we have ten people who tell us they are confident they can leave the Matrix.
I would argue that maybe two or three of those will go through the Grid. The other seven to eight people will suddenly be struck by fear and turn the other way, right into the tunnel, their “safe zone.” “I know what I have, but I don’t know what I’ll get,” might be what comes to their minds. People are afraid of the unknown, and when people are afraid, they “run to mom,” which in this sense is the tunnel and the love it emanates.
This is not meant as a derogatory statement; it’s just, in general terms, the nature of today’s humans: We have mother issues big time, and when things get too scary, we look for mom, even when we are grown-ups and fully capable of living a life of our own. Mommy in this case is, and this is a major reason why we need to disconnect from this cosmic narcissist and psychopath.
So, after we have managed to disconnect from our human narcissists, we have one more narcissist to separate from, and that is “God.” If we do that successfully, we are not prone to run into the tunnel after death just because we are afraid of the unknown. The unknown suddenly will feel liberating, and the fear will be less, to the extent we can safely exit. Then, on the other side, we will operate more from our own authentic selves, and not from a shared narcissistic fantasy with our oppressors.
People in the alternative field sometimes use the term, “We need to grow up!” This is literally true. Most humans act like children in adult bodies much of the time. This is not our fault, but it needs to be dealt with. While we’re doing our inner work, we also must learn how to set up boundaries with ourselves and with others; particularly against those who try to abuse us.
The good news is that setting up boundaries is usually a positive consequence in the healing process; we become more secure the more we heal; and setting up boundaries becomes more natural over time. It’s important that we keep abusive people out of our lives and stop feeling sorry for them. These people are literally halting our spiritual progress, and our chances to exit are strongly related to how successfully we manage to disconnect and go “no contact” with abusive people we interact with.
There is no reason to accept them in our lives because we might feel sorry for them or empathize with their inner pain, which is often bleeding through. It’s not our task to heal them (which is impossible to do, by the way), and even though it’s true that the abusive people are suffering, the effect they have on their environment is so detrimental that we can’t afford to have them in our lives; it is always a lose-lose situation, unless we cut the trauma bonds.”
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Excerpt from David Icke’s book The Dream