Emerald Robinson – Too Hard on Fox News, 3913
Stillreport: Good morning, I’m still reporting on the coup. What’s up with Emerald Robinson? Her Aug. 25th hit piece on Fox is wayyy over the line and can’t stand as unassailed truth in this world of shadows. Now I don’t go looking for fights with my fellow reporters – first of all, most of them rightly call themselves “journalists”, in other words they actually went to college school and took courses in something called “journalism”. I didn’t. I’ve made it up as I’ve stumbled along. So, they are mostly one up on me. Secondly, we are all supposed to be in this search for truth together and since no one has a lock on the truth, it’s always wise to not propound superiority at any time. So, in no way am I claiming superiority. But I do have one advantage – I’ve been around for a long, long time. I did my first news report in 1973 on a radio broadcast of WGTB, the student radio station of Georgetown University in Washington, D.C. We were fighting a coup back then also – the mostly unknown attempted coup by President Richard Nixon in the Watergate era. So, next year, I’ll be celebrating my 50th year as a news reporter. To show you how far we’ve come, back then, The Washington Post was the leading edge of reliable freedom-loving reporting. Now it has sadly evolved into the D.C. branch of the leftist Ministry of Propaganda. The first move to the right came in 1961 when broadcast pioneer Arthur Arundel opened the first successful 24-hour all-news radio station WAVA in Northern Virginia which is part of the DC Metro area. WAVA wasn’t even particularly right wing. By today’s standards it was pretty much centrist. But providing a centrist approach was, back then, a breath of fresh political air and so WAVA quickly grew in popularity and became dominant in the D.C. metro. WAVA was so dominant that it took 8 years for WTOP – which was owned by the Washington Post – to come in and provide direct competition in 1969. When Ted Turner launched CNN, it was the first TV channel to go to a 24-hour all-news format in 1980. It started out like WAVA, with a refreshing centrist slant, but quickly steered left. Five years later, in 1985, Australian media mogul Rupert Murdoch, started a decade long march to give CNN some competition from the right, but it took him 11 years to achieve that goal when Fox News went live on cable TV in October of 1996. Regardless of Murdoch’s political persuasion, he was a good businessman who knew where the hole in the market was, and that was to finally provide the U.S. with a nationwide news source with a conservative slant. That’s where the money was, and Rupert rushed in to be the first to fill that gigantic opportunity. Critics can complain that Fox isn’t right enough, but for a news guy who has spent his career hopelessly lost in leftist domination of the news product, God bless Rupert Murdoch for finally bringing FOX News to bear on the American body politic. Now, Ms. Robinson since she recently blew onto the scene of freelance news reporting, has put up some spectacular revelations, and I have applauded her in my reports. However, from an old-timer’s perspective, when you bash Fox, you are bashing the one that brung you to the dance, and that can’t stand totally unopposed. Let’s look at the big three in the Fox News lineup: Tucker Carlson, Hannity and Laura Ingraham. They dominate their timeslots. You can pick at Hannity’s approach, but he still puts on a top-notch news show. Yes, Hannity makes mistakes. He, like almost everyone else in big media, had to recommend, the vaxx. By the way, according to my lovely wife, Beth, YouTube just announced that you will no longer be kicked off of YouTube for saying the vaxx doesn’t work, which is exactly why I got kicked off. We’ll see what we can do about that. But, apparently, you can still get kicked off for saying that Trump actually won the 2020 election, something which probably 85% of the world now believes is the case. Speaking of which I still haven’t gotten to the bottom of why and who decided to shut down the election 2020 count at 2 am. Also why did Fox News call Arizona early – before their polls even closed – at the Fox News Decision Desk. Wasn’t that run by Chris Stirewalt, and does anyone know if that is why he lost his job at Fox? To me, not having anyone asking this basic question about who shut down the count and why is the most important outstanding question about that election, and to me, totally unanswered. I agree with Emerald that Bret Baier and Steve Doocy have problems. Doocy is – I hate to say it because he was my favorite weatherman when he worked on a DC TV station, but he simply needs to retire. Bret is Fox’s answer to leftist criticism that Fox only has a right-wing point of view. So if that’s what it takes to hold the left’s complaints down to a dull roar, then fine – let him keep his 6-7pm timeslot. I would advise that he be kept a mile away from the lead chair on election night coverage though. Let him rule the “big map”