Dr. Peter McCullough – Finally, The Truth About COVID!!! 3919
Stillreport: Good evening, I’m still reporting on the coup. This is the best interview with the world’s leading authority or COVID, Dr. Peter McCullough. It was broadcast today on CHD.TV, which is Children’s Health Defense, founded by Bobby Kennedy. The entire 42 minutes is excellent – the best of the best, but I know that the longer the report, the fewer people will tend to watch the entire thing, so I’m going to cut this down ta no more than 10 minutes to highlight the unbelievably important conclusions Dr. McCullough has come to. Dr. McCullough is asked to comment on Pfizer asking the FDA to ok its new bivalent COVID-19 vaccine before any human testing is conducted at all. [insert] Wow! “Widespread malfeasance and corruption between the FDA and the vaccine manufacturers.” Dr. McCullough then says that it’s now a certainty that COVID was result of U.S. funded research that could not be done in the U.S., so was farmed out to Chinese researchers at the Wuhan Institute of Virology. [insert from: “… let’s take the vaccines…. To: “to make it lethal.” So, the NIH was manipulating the spike protein to make it invade the human body and make it be lethal. What a mouthful! So, it was NIH funding – Dr. Grouchy & company – that created this monster! That’s one for the history books. [insert from: “… Moderna and Pfizer had the genetic code….” To “… the NIH.” Now let’s take a breath here. Dr. McCullough just told us that the head of vaxx maker Moderna built the lab at Wuhan, China, then he patented the virus with the NIH. [insert from: “So this is a U.S. government operation….” To: “… have died.” A death wish? Playing Russian Roulette with suicide??? [insert from: “… Now, we’re left with….” To: “… not being eligible for the boosters.” Dr. McCullough was then asked about the latest vaccine being mandated for school aged children in Washington, D.C. [insert from: “This is incongruent…. “ to: “… COVID 19,”] There you have it. Dr. Mccullough flatly stating that COVID vaccines no longer work in stopping COVID-19. Now, Dr. McCullough goes into the history of vaccine growth in the U.S. and which vaccines are still useful today. [insert from “I can tell you…” to: “… pneumonia.” Wow, and I just got both a tetnus and the latest pneumonia vaxx. [insert from: “If a vaccine….” To” … too low to support…” He then recounted being on the Steve Bannon show: [insert from: “… What Bannon said…. To “…see it on Google.” Then Dr. McCullough gave a remarkable statistic which indicates why Congress has none nothing to stop this. [insert from: “Between 400 and 500….” To: “no one wants this .”] Dr. McCullough then noted that our freedoms have been lost by this pandemic and we are going to have to bravely step up to fight this in order to win our precious freedoms back at this point. [insert from: “It’s gonna take some losses…” to: “…to be behind the scenes…” Then Dr. McCullough explained why such a small percentage of American parents are allowing their children to be vaxxed. [insert from: “The vaccines are associated…”. To: “… this is a no go.” Dr. McCullough then talked about the adverse effects of so many vaxxes interacting with each other – adverse effects that medicine hasn’t even started to study. [insert: “The opportunities for immune system….” To: “…going wrong.” Finally, Dr., McCullough talked about the unbelievable conflicts of interests driving this vaxx everyone political push. [insert from: “Former FDA…” to: “… no more.” I’m still reporting from just outside the citadel of world freedom. Good day.