DOJ Tries to Trump House Probe of Biden
Stillreport: Good evening. I’m Still reporting on the coup. So here we go again, another election in 2024, and another Trump investigation which, no doubt will come to a crashing conclusion just before the 60-day before the election limit, all in the hopes of coercing Trump not to run again because they know he will win and this time – knowing who to trust from the beginning of his 2nd term – rout out all the minions of Satan from positions of power. Within 30 hours of the announcement by Republican members of Congress that once they secure the majority in the House of Representatives the first week in January, they plan on going full bore on investigating the entire Biden family, but especially resident Biden, himself; Biden’s Attorney General, Merrick Garland, has appointed yet another anti-Trump Special Counsel to try to confuse the election run-up to the maximum possible degree. So now, the American public will have to put up with dueling political/legal arguments for the next 23-and-a-half months, trying to compare the treasonous influence-peddling conspiracy of the Biden family to clearly ginned-up – or should I say Trumped-up – crimes such as formerly- classified documents residing in boxes which were packed by GSA employees when President Trump left the White House; or Trump trying to assemble alternate electors to the Electoral College should the various states decide to declare the initial results fraudulent – something which Democrats routinely do just in case. In either case, these purported crimes attributed by the minions of Satan to President Trump are at best non-crimes. However, the unprecedented nature of the multiple criminal conspiracies of the Biden family are a set of slam-dunk convictions for any prosecutor. But that’s not the way they will be painted by the left. They will muster all the power of the MSM and social media giants to try to make the huge and numerous obvious illegalities of the Bidens equivalent to – the trivial activities of Trump – over the course of the next 23.5 months. Here is some of the many political opinions that are just beginning to besiege us: [insert] There has never been a president so unfairly hounded by his opponents in American political history. Why? Three reasons:
1. They know Trump is right.
2. They know Trump will win.
3. They know if Trump wins, they will lose it all. And that means jail terms and disbarments for many of the perpetrators the coup. I’m still reporting from just outside the citadel of world freedom. Good day.