Another U.S. Food Plant Burns, 3868
Stillreport: Good afternoon, I’m still reporting on the coup. Yet another U.S. food processing plant has caught on fire. This time it is a pizza processing plant in Wisconsin. More than 70 firefighters battled the blaze at the 120,000 square foot Festival Food facility on Tuesday in eastern Portage County. The blaze erupted around 9 am, but the cause is as yet unknown. The company sells pizzas to supermarkets nationwide, including to WalMart. According to ZeroHedge, this is the 97th accidental fire at a food processer or food distribution center in the U.S. in the last 18 months. The list is long. [insert] Could this be the coming food shortage that Biden has talked about in the past? Or could this possibly be part of a low-intensity conflict – or LIC – a new type of warfare being conducted on the American people? Fortunately, America’s food supply is very decentralized. There are, by some estimates, as many as 35,000 food processors in the United States. Still, we’ve been reporting on this food fire phenom for quite some time. I’m still reporting from just outside the citadel of world freedom. Good day.